Get Involved
At Saint Monica, we want you to discover the joy of life fully alive in God. Let Him transform your life through worship, prayer, service, and community events. Whatever you are looking for, you’ll find a place in our parish. All it takes is showing up.
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We believe that growing in your faith is best done in community. Are you an adult looking for others to journey with? Do you want to deepen your understanding of Scripture and the faith alongside fellow Catholics?
Come join our men’s and women's faith-sharing groups or a small-group bible study. Our youth religious education program (Small Groups) and Children’s Liturgy of the Word will keep the kids involved too.
At Saint Monica, we want to help wake up your purpose and help you grow.
Serving others with our time and talents is a powerful witness of the gospel. Do you sing? Consider joining our Music Ministry. Do you love sports or working with youth? We love having volunteers coach our CYO sports teams or teach faith formation classes. There is a place for every gift at Saint Monica.
Are you looking for fellowship, faith, and fun? Our CYO youth sports programs and men’s and women’s groups strive to value the whole person—spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically.
Saint Monica’s vibrant parish life has something for parishioners of all ages. Come discover the joy of a community fully alive in Christ!

Our Community
We recognize that God’s way is better. That means fostering an environment of simplicity and showing up as our truest selves, even in the messiness of life. We hope you will come experience that peace and joy with us.
Pray with Us
Want to get involved in our worship and prayer opportunities? Join us for Mass, Adoration, and the Sacraments.

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