We believe that a strong faith community is one that supports, learns, laughs, and plays together.
CYO Sports Program
Saint Monica Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) believes that children grow spiritually, emotionally, socially, and physically through dedicated practice and healthy competition in a variety of sports. Adult volunteers are witnesses to Christ’s self-sacrifice when they volunteer their time and talent to help our young athletes. If you’re not participating, you’re missing out on one of the parish's most vibrant ways of experiencing Christ’s joy… and it’s a lot of fun!
Contact: Greg McGinn
Saint Monica Mom’s Group
Saint Monica Mom’s Group provides several opportunities throughout the year for moms of young children to gather in community while also offering a craft or activity for the children present. They also collaborate with the Catholic Grandparents Association to organize our Saint Monica Easter Egg Hunt.
Contact: families@saintmonicachurch.org
Holy Name Society
The Society of the Holy Name is a confraternity of the most Holy Name of God and Jesus in the Catholic Church. In addition to promoting love and reverence for the Holy Names of God and Jesus Christ, we help to build his kingdom by performing corporal and spiritual works of mercy in the areas of: Spiritual, Service, and Social. St. Monica HNS is one of the largest in our area. We meet the first Monday of the month (August - June) at 7 PM in the Hagenbach Room of the Parish Center. Pizza and beverages are provided. All are welcome to attend.
Contact: Joe Kokinda
Saint Monica Catholic Grandparents’ Association
Catholic Grandparents’ Association meets the 3rd Thursday of the month, Sept. - June. They are currently doing a Catholic book study and praying for their children and grandchildren. They host an annual Easter Egg Hunt and assist our Outreach & Service Ministry with their initiatives throughout the year, in addition to their involvement in other parish events.
Contact: Marti Rodgers or Jo Anne McMonigle
Women’s Society
The Women’s Society of Saint Monica Church actively supports the social, spiritual and service needs for the women of our parish. Women of all ages are invited to join this dedicated ministry as well as the events and service projects they sponsor.
Contact: Diane Claffey or Sandie Concannon

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