Looking for the hours of the church or Parish Office? Need to contact one of our staff members?
Find Us
Saint Monica Church: 63 Main Avenue, Berwyn, PA 19312
Open Hours:
Monday, 8:00 AM - 7:45 PM
Tuesday through Friday, 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday, 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday, 7:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Parish Office: 635 First Avenue, Berwyn, PA 19312
Open Hours:
Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:30 pm
Parish Center: 601 First Avenue
The Parish Center is utilized by various ministries and groups within the parish and partner organizations for events, gatherings, religious education (Small Groups) and meetings.
Facilities Include: gymnasium, kitchen, meeting space, and auditorium.
Regina Luminis Academy 601 First Avenue
Our 1958 and 1916 Buildings are rented to Regina Luminis Academy, a pre-K through twelfth grade private, independent school which provides a classical Catholic education.
Parish Contacts
Cathy Levine
Phone: 610-644-0110 x 112
Parish Office
Phone: 610-644-0110
Office of Children's
Faith Formation:
Religious education
Alexandra LaMastra
Phone: 610-644-0110 x 139
Email: alamastra@saintmonicachurch.org
Jason Carter
Phone: 610-644-0110 x 139
Email: jcarter@saintmonicachurch.org
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I register in the parish?
Please call, email, or stop by the Parish Office during normal operating hours to register. If you’d like to meet with our Pastor, Father Paul O’Donnell, you can make an appointment then as well. You can also complete registration online here.
How do I reserve time for use of parish facilities?
Any registered parishioner may request to block out time to use a parish facility for an event, pending availability, utilizing our online form.
NB: If you or your organization are not members of or associated with The Church of Saint Monica, please contact Cathy Levine at 610-644-0110 x 112 or clevine@saintmonicachurch.org before submitting the form.
How do I obtain a Mass card for a deceased or living loved one or particular intention? Please contact Cathy in the Parish Office or stop by during normal operating hours. Both announced and unannounced Masses are available, with a requested offering of $10.00 to the parish.
How do I publish an announcement in the bulletin or weekly Flocknote?
The parish bulletin is published weekly along with a Flocknote email (The Monica Message) that is emailed each Sunday morning.
The bulletin is available on the parish website and distributed to parishioners. Submissions to either the bulletin or Monica Message are due each Monday by 12 noon and should be emailed to parishbulletin@saintmonicachurch.org and ebaker@saintmonicachurch.org.
Please include a contact name and phone number.
How do I receive the weekly parish Flocknote, the Monica Message?
Is the parish Safe Environment certified?
The Archdiocese of Philadelphia places great importance on the safety of all our children, as does The Church of Saint Monica. Parishes and schools are regularly audited by the Office of Child and Youth Protection. In addition, our pastoral team, staff members, and volunteers undergo numerous safety clearances and trainings.
We are happy to announce that we have been found in compliance with Safe Environment requirements after our routine audit this past year. We share this to illustrate the dedication the Archdiocese and our parish community has to protecting our children.

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