Welcome to Saint Monica
berwyn, pa
Our modern lifestyle can be exhausting and full of chaos and distraction, but it doesn’t have to be this way. As Saint Augustine, the son of our patroness, once said, “The burden of the Lord has wings.”
Saint Monica Parish is your sanctuary where you can find rest and discover a life fully alive in God. Whether you’re looking for community, a place to worship, or simply a moment of stillness, you are welcome here.
Mass and Confessions
Worship with us
Saturday Vigil:
5:00 PM
Sunday Mass:
7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM
Daily Mass:
Monday to Saturday, 8:30 AM
Monday, 6:45 PM - 7:45 PM and Saturday,
3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Adoration: Monday, 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM

Visit Us
Join us in person! Whether you’re new to the area, looking for community, or interested in exploring the Catholic faith, we’d love to meet you.
Get in touch, let us know you’re coming, and one of our team will be there to greet you.

Parish Events

Get Involved
For some, the parish is just a place to fulfill your Sunday obligation. We believe faith communities should be more than just a place to check the box.
At Saint Monica, we do life together. So don’t just check a box. Get involved.
Our faith sharing groups help us grow in our journey with Christ.
Our ministries help us live out the gospel message in our lives.
Our fellowship opportunities allow us to laugh, learn, support, and play together.

The values that make us
This is a safe place to rest, find peace, and encounter the living God who says, “Take my burden upon you, for my load is easy, and my burden is light.”
We live in a world where trust doesn’t come easily; that's why we go to great lengths to cultivate an environment and a culture that allows the restless to find rest in Christ.
At Saint Monica Parish, we believe God blesses each person with unique gifts and talents; that’s why nothing makes us happier than helping you see your self-worth and potential. Our world has forgotten we belong to each other, but at Saint Monica, we believe we all are necessary. Everyone who walks through our doors has gifts and ideas that can advance the gospel.
We actively encourage out of the box thinking. We never let ourselves get jaded or stuck in “this is how we do it” thinking. We are passionate about the mission, and that mission is ever ancient, ever new.
We are a joyful faith community that delights in simplicity and genuine connection. The world says bigger is always better, but that pressure has no place at Saint Monica. Here, we don’t expect you to meet impossible standards; we just expect you to do what you are called to with great love.
We don’t need ostentatious displays or unnecessarily complicated events to do community. Just bring your smile; more often than not, that’s enough.
At Saint Monica Parish, we’re all on the journey towards wholeness. Healing takes time, and integration takes work; that’s why we embrace the slow and steady life with God.
God's glory is man fully alive, and that means welcoming God into every part of our lives. Where we go, He goes with us. The court, the classroom, and the boardroom are his dwelling places. When we allow God in, our lives converge in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.
We only have one life to live, so why not live one full of meaning?
We try to remember that life is too short to be filled with disputes and dramas; we never let them keep us from loving our neighbors.
Our mission should be to act as Jesus would. Sometimes, that means getting there early for a cup of coffee or lingering late for the after hours conversation. Sometimes, the greatest gift we can give is simply our presence, but whether we’re trimming bushes, teaching a class, or counting the offering, we’re always looking for ways to love those right in front of us.
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me.” We’re all children in need of Christ, so we see each person as a human being first, beyond their situations.
We always start by understanding and caring for the person; we don’t take a black-and-white approach to the gray mess of life. We believe in meeting people where they are, with compassion and empathy, and letting them experience that God’s way is better.
The world says pleasure and achievement are the pathways to joy, but God’s path is better. God’s path isn’t always easy. Self-examination and humility can be painful, but when we let God into the guilty, shameful, or wounded places of our hearts, God gives us a whole new life on the other side. We never allow past mistakes to define our future, because God can change any situation.
Life after grace is far better than life before we felt we needed it. When we offer ashes to God, He gives us beauty.

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